Half way up the side of a mountain, we are surrounded by pine trees.
The temperatures are far above normal (80's) and all the locals are apologizing.
Yesterday I came to an amazing understanding - we are in New England!
I was kind of stunned to realize it. No wonder this place is so beautiful. I had been thinking of Vermont as a maple syrup source and ski location, but there's a lot more here.
(Local farmers have signs stating they produce maple syrup, and I'm sure in season the stands are filled with shoppers much like the cherry orchards in Wolcott, New York. After gorging on cherries for a week I have sworn off the sugar-loaded little weight producers for life.)
In 1777 the Green Mountain Boys defeated the British, a battle that was considered pivotal in the Revolutionary War.
The battle didn't really happen here, but to the west in New York.
Let's not nit pick though; these people are mighty proud of their monument.
Built over 100 years after the battle in the 1890's, this is the tallest structure in Vermont at 306 feet.
The sign over the gas pumps.
The town of Bennington began in 1761.
Bennington is home to an enterprise venerated by gear heads all over America.
It's full-service.
I didn't know they existed outside Oregon.
Hemming's Motor News is like the Bible to car restorers.
They have a museum filled with the Hemming's cars, all painted dark green trimmed in black.
They also have deisel at $4.09 a gallon, a reasonable price today.
Built starting in1835, they are all of the same lattice design.
Double click on the above photo to read the warning sign.
I always wondered why the bridges were covered, and it's a simple answer.
It was to protect the wooden bridge from ageing.
The view from the bridge.
Walt Disney couldn't make a nicer stream!
Many homes have multiple carvings in their yard.
This dead tree was transformed in the side yard of a restaurant.
Bears are the most often carved, and black bears are seen here rather often.
A home video was on the news last night showing a bear wrecking a bird feeder.
Wild bears aren't the only wildlife around here, though.
We did see a moose, too.
These moose are all over the place, and like the cows in Kansas City painted to reflect the wishes of the sponsor or the vision of the artist.
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