Friday, August 27, 2010

Williams, Arizona and the Grand Canyon

It had been 40 years since I saw the Grand Canyon, and it's as breathtaking as I remember.
I wonder what the first European thought when he saw this?
There isn't a lot of clues about the canyon until you're there. You drive over wide plains with low trees and scrub brush, then taller pines then-- boom--a mile deep scar in the Earth. There is a walking trail along the rim with spectacular views. The path is very close to the edge, and a frequent question is -"How many people fall into the canyon?" The answer is very few, but nobody survived the first 300 ft drop.

Close to the Grand Canyon is Valle, Arizona. An air museum is there featuring many fighter planes and this Constellation, used by General MacArthur. The man who took us through the "Bataan" was so proud of the plane he insisted we have our picture taken with it. When we pointed out that Kansas City has a Connie he didn't want to discuss it.

The cockpit of the "Connie" held not only the crew but a back-up pilot and co-pilot just in case. This plane was also used 2 times as Air Force One.

This area was for the press corps, office personnel and aides. In the back of the aircraft VIP's and the General or President traveled. This plane was cutting edge when built in 1948.

A store front in Williams Arizona. This is a gift store owned by the Indian tribe. Note the wooden cowgirl, wooden trapper, wooden cowboy, etc but no wooden Indian.

Every night at 7 o'clock there's a gun fight in Williams. This is the hero, Hay Bob.

Main Street, old Route 66, is blocked for the shoot out.

Two bad guys with our heroine, Miss Bobbie, the fiancee of Hay Bob.
Williams claims to have to last section of Route 66 that was shut down. Main Street has old neon and gift shops galore. It's easy to imagine how it once was.

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