Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Viva Mexico!

Meet Barb and Joe ------- our tour guides to Mexico.
We had been leery about crossing the border because of the warring drug cartels,
but Barb and Joe had been to New Progresso many times. They looked like they were sane,
so John and I with the neighbors Candy and Jake took off for the border!

The main street in New Progresso, Mexico.
The streets are lined with vendors selling sterling silver jewelry,
sunglasses, and "designer purses".
Miguel was singing in a bakery. There was a language problem,
because he didn't understand "Softer, sing softer."

There are two main businesses in New Progresso; Dentists and Pharmacies.
Both advertise heavily in the United States, and we were met by Mr.Tooth
as soon as we crossed the bridge into Mexico.

John, Jake, Candy, Joe and Barb in the bar of a souvenir shop.
This is the way to shop! You have a drink or two then wander
up and down the aisles perusing their merchandise!
John is the designated driver and therefore immune to the
sales pitches.

Barb and I checking out the silver and pottery (and Margaritas),
with John looking over our shoulders. I told John many times how lucky he was
that we now live in an R V. The glassware is beautiful, and if we had room for it .....
The same store had fabulous saddles my niece and sister-in law would have loved,
including a white ostrich-skin one with matching chaps.

John and I at the border, mid-Rio Grande.
When most people go in to Mexico they park on the American side,
and walk over the river. Most auto insurance isn't valid in Mexico and it's
an easy walk over.
We plan to go back Friday, braving shoe-shine boys and pickpockets.
To be continued...................

1 comment:

  1. I am really glad you guys had so much fun in Mexico with your neighbors. I noticed you classified them as "sane", but my question was...are you the best judge??? Kidding!!!! Looking forward to seeing you in 3 WEEKS!
