Wednesday, June 23, 2010

On the road

We are now in Sioux City, South Dakota. It's a lot cooler than Kansas City, and the humidity is wonderfully low.

Tomorrow we leave for Fargo, North Dakota. After looking around we will take a hard left and head to Great Falls Montana.

We are traveling with John driving the truck towing the Fifth-wheel, and I drive the car towing the Harley. It sounds simpler than it is. I drive in front, checking the rear view mirror constantly so I don't run off and leave him in traffic. We have walkie-talkies to communicate with each other, but I can't hear him page me. He pulls up closer and flashes his headlights so I know he's trying to reach me. We pick up other driver's conversations, making it even harder for me to hear him. In the mean time I have flown by the exit he wanted to take.

Earl the cat has decided he dislikes moving day. He hides when we get ready to leave, and we have to drag him out from under the bed. Once he gets in the truck with John things are fine.
Bella the dog rides with me, usually on my lap. She absolutely knows the truck and trailer are her home, and if John pulls out ahead of us she goes nuts thinking he's trying to "dump" us. I'm not worried though. After all, I've got the Harley.

1 comment:

  1. I saw you guys going to Price Chopper this morning for breakfast. I honked, but not sure if you heard me. We are glad you made it to SD in one piece. I take Coen to his Well Baby check tomorrow, so maybe we can Skype tomorrow night and I can tell you how it all went. Have a safe trip north!
