Thursday, October 20, 2011

Coming Soon..........

A new blog entry with photos is on the way, as soon as I get a new lap top.
My poor computer broke it's leg and had to be put down.
I am devastated and feel as though I've been washed up on a deserted island.
Not only have I lost a good friend, I've lost touch with the world.
John, who doesn't ever go on line, is mystified by my reaction.

We went to Springfield, Mo earlier this week. We had some business to do and next door was a Golden Corral, a buffet that's popular in these parts.
Neither of us are particularly fond of buffets, but it was close and so..........

We arrived at 12:57. There was a crowd of seniors ahead of us and more storming the door. We had walked in just before the senior citizen price change at 1:00.
The people at the cash register refused to pay until they got their discount, and were getting surly with the poor young cashier. She explained that the register made the price decision, not her.
You could hear grumbling up and down the line.
It narrowly missed becoming a mob scene, but the register finally clicked over to the discount ($1.20 plus a free beverage) and the race was on.
Geezers with their eyes ablaze attacked the food lines like lions on a zebra. Willard Scott has never seen people like these. Do NOT get in front of a crazed geriatric patient with a walker; they'll run you over and get away with it.

P.S. I tried to post this last week, but the County Library's computer lab server wouldn't let me!

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