One more picture of people boating on the Missouri River. Yes---the Missouri River
From the North Dakota Highway Bulletin, September, 1925
The Ten Commandments of Motoring-------
#1 Drive to the right side of the road; it's just as good as the left.
#2 Slow down when approaching a cross road; it is nearly as dangerous as a railroad crossing.
#3 Look out for children. You can never tell what they'll do, and you are always in the wrong if you hit one.
#4Try to help instead of hinder the traffic officer; he is there for your good and he's got a tough job.
#5 Be sure your dimmers really dim; it's no joke driving into a blinding glare, as you probably know.
#6Read and obey the warning signs; they are not put up as ornaments.
#7 If you've got to speed, do it where it won't kill anyone but yourself.
#8 When making minor repairs, stop where your car can be seen from both directions; otherwise you may stop longer than you anticipated.
#9 Speeding round corners is a straight route to the hospital. Don't race past a stopped streetcar. Someday the jury will call it manslaughter.
#10 Use discretion. The fact that you had the right of way won't bring anybody back to life, least of all yourself.
I have to say that North Dakota drivers were very forgiving of tourists making radical lane changes, especially when her husband was sitting next to her gripping the dash with his eyes closed.
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