This is Boiler Bay. It's 10 miles down 101 highway from Lincoln City where we're camped. We've been here three times trying to get sunny conditions for a good picture with no luck. Five miles away the sky is blue. There's got to be a reason why it's fogged in here so often, and those of you who grew up near the ocean should e-mail me.

Still Boiler Bay, from a different perspective in the parking lot. There is a park/scenic view pull off here, with lots of parking and picnic tables.

There's also a lot of birds here. They're almost intimidating in their numbers and fearless attitude. With the gulls are ravens, like crows on steroids.

I think the picnic tables were a mistake, don't you?
There is a large statue of Abraham Lincoln in the city here with a plaque stating that he was offered the Governorship of Oregon Territory in 1848 but turned it down. I don't know why he got the offer or why he turned it down but I can positively state that the birds respect Abe waaay more than the picnic tables.
Is that table covered in bird poop? That's nasty! In other respects, Oregon looks really appealing and I wish I could have spent more time exploring the area. So jealous! Its still miserable here, 90s and really humid. I know you and dad are sorry you are missing out.